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For today's edition of Dear Mark, I'm answering a reader question about beans. But it's not just about beans. It's about something called the Bean Protocol, a rather new dietary approach that many of my readers have expressed interest in. The Bean P
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To call this beverage tea might be a little misleading. “Creamy Mug of Cozy, Warming Deliciousness” is more accurate. It just plain feels good to drink this lightly sweet, vibrant blend of heated almond (or coconut) milk, turmeric, ginger, cayenne a
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A growing body of evidence suggests that low grade inflammation contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease and, specifically, coronary artery disease (CAD). WBC-derived macrophages and other phagocytes are believed to contribute to vas
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Babies can't live off milk forever. Eventually they must join the rest of us in eating solid food. But how should it happen? The baby food industry has everyone fooled. You don't need them. There's actually more research that goes into commercial pe
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Unless you’re regularly including organ meat in your diet already, you probably have a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that you really should be eating more. That voice is correct. Organ meats are economical and dollar for dollar,
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There's nothing like sitting around the fire in the fall, sipping on something warm in your mug. And where there's a fire, there are s'mores. If you're eating closer to the way your ancestors did, you probably politely pass when the s'mores come out
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Research of the Week
Some people can't smell stinky fish.
If you think you're about to drink some sugar but drink fake sugar instead, your body reacts as if you drank the real stuff.
Wearing lip balm reduces droplets produced through read more »
Some people can't smell stinky fish.
If you think you're about to drink some sugar but drink fake sugar instead, your body reacts as if you drank the real stuff.
Wearing lip balm reduces droplets produced through read more »
That is the title of my article in MedCityNews. I discuss the evolution of value measurement, digital medicine, and the importance of reducing inequality. Below is an excerpt: While efficacy, safety and cost still form the core of a treatment’s valu
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