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The other day, Hank posted on the difficulty he was having reconciling why a given person's group health insurance rate changed depending on whether they were the employee or the employee's spouse. That post, and some back-and-forth in the comments,
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It's been a couple months since I did a post explicitly about COVID-19, or SARS-COV2, or coronavirus, and since the pandemic is still happening and is on everyone's mind, I'm going to do another one today. This time, I'm going to do a big picture lo
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Working on a new group quote, finally noticed something I suppose I've know all along, but just never 'paid any attention to.Take a look:[click to embiggen] It's never really "clicked" for me until the other day that at any given age, the rates are
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All raw. All cooked. A little of both. With meat, or without. Artfully arranged in a pretty plate or thrown together in a to-go container as your run out the door. There are infinite ways to assemble your "Big Ass Salad."
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When most people worry about getting old, they focus on the obvious degenerative diseases like diabetes and cancer and Alzheimer's or the catastrophic health emergencies that can occur, like strokes or heart attacks. They think about the melange of
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“Love the skin you’re in,” so the saying goes. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Skin conditions, ranging from mildly irritating to painfully debilitating, are ubiquitous nowadays. Even mild-to-moderate symptoms can take a serious physical and
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Take a look at these two graphs. The first gives the number of new COVID-19 cases from John Hopkins University. It is a scary graph. The second graph is the number of COVID deaths from IHME. Not nearly as bad. CDC reported death numbers are similar.
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