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If you're on a high-fat ketogenic diet and running on a fat-based metabolism, you need access to fat. Some of it comes from your own body, but not all. A good portion of your body's fuel will come from dietary fat, or the fat you eat. Especially if
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Our friends at FlexBank (now FlexBank/Navia) have posted a very informative FAQ-type explication of the differences between furloughs and layoffs, and what those differences may mean towards your (and/or your employees') health insurance.For instanc
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As we wend our way through this pandemic, I've become more and more convinced that the true 'winner' will ultimately be telemedicine (in whatever various flavors and forms). Case in point:Yesterday was to have been my annual (routine) physical,
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“I’m tired all the time.” “I have no energy.” “I’m too tired to go to the gym.” “I need a nap.” Walking around in a fog seems like standard operating procedure nowadays. No matter how common it is, though, feeling exhausted, low energy, or sleepy al
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Drug prices are high. We should only be paying high prices for drugs that have a major impact on patient health and quality of life. Ergo, we should be paying for drugs with value-based agreements (VBAs), right? It turns out the answer is not so sim
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A little planning and motivation will help you start a low-carb, keto, or Primal lifestyle, and under normal circumstances, keeping your carbs on the low side is easy. But let's not create the illusion that it is easy all the time. From time to time
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Have you ever heard of a meatza? It's the low-carb, grain-free answer to pizza cravings once you've adopted a keto, paleo, Primal, or Whole 30® way of living.
Meatzas are just as versatile as pizza. You can use virtually any ground meat as the read more »
Meatzas are just as versatile as pizza. You can use virtually any ground meat as the read more »
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