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Recently, I've been feeling a little wary on my runs. Put it down to my recent true crime binge (don't talk to me about Ted Bundy right now), the fact that my morning runs are getting darker and darker as Summer wanes, or the all-too-frequent attack
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Whether you are single or have a family to feed, it seems like every weeknight is a blur and trying to get dinner on the table isn't always the easiest feat. On top of that, eating healthy isn't always easy and oftentimes requires a decent amount of
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Purchasing protein powder can be extremely confusing and overwhelming with new brands being marketed every day, and we completely get if you have no idea where to begin. An important thing to consider when purchasing a protein powder, or anything yo
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Meal prep is the simplest way to ensure you eat well throughout the week, but just how long does prepared food stay fresh? That's the question we posed to Katie Heil, a certified professional in food safety (CP-FS) at StateFoodSafety.
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Good news from an Insurer in today’s readings:“Health insurer Anthem plans to launch a new mobile app that will enable its 40 million members to get quicker access to personalized health information and treatment options.Through the app, members als
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For today's edition of Dear Mark, I'm answering questions about vitamin K2 and microworkouts. The last two posts on both topics garnered a number of good questions. What's the best dose of vitamin K2? Should statin users taking vitamin K2, since sta
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If you're ready to take your strength workouts to the next level and shock your muscles (in a good way of course), CrossFit might be exactly what you need. It's quick, it's intense, and no matter the workout, you're going to be gassed once it's over
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If you looked on my "saved" tab on Instagram, you'd see a lot of cats and even more booty workouts (the former is cuter than the latter, and both are good for my health). Sure, there are tons of routines you can find on YouTube - and we mean tons -
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