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Going low-carb (or even keto!) doesn't have to mean cutting out bread completely. And if that news weren't reason enough to celebrate, consider this: there are tons of companies that cater to low-carb sandwich-lovers by creating breads made from who
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The last time I wore velvet, I was five years old and sporting a bowl cut. (It was a collared navy velvet dress, and if I remember correctly, matching shoes and scalloped ankle socks were involved.) Like basically everything from the '90s, though, v
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Oscars night is a huge deal for every star nominated for an award, but it's also a big event for Wolfgang Puck. The celebrity chef is heading into his 25th year of cooking for the film industry's A-listers, and he stopped by The Ellen DeGe read more »
Our friends at the Insurance Information Institute have provided us with this handy (and helpful) visual guide to how your car insurance rates are determined:[click to embiggen]Original content copyright © InsureBlog
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There are many reasons to skip booze during a night out, and sometimes it's fine to sip on juice, soda, or plain water while everyone else is drinking. But it can also be an utter drag. That's why mocktails are great - and why we wish they were a li
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There are so many beautiful, strong, and powerful black women dominating the fine arts (and let's be real, the world). In the world of ballet, professional ballerinas like Alison Stroming are challenging the deep-rooted "norms" of ballet being read more »
Success stories will be back in their regular slot next Monday, but for today I want to issue an invitation. Now that we've turned the corner on the first month of the year, I know some of you have already seen big success with Primal or Primal-keto
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It seems like every day there's a new headline on the internet or a new coverline on a magazine promising you can slim down in days, shed belly fat with just one ab move, and completely transform your body with one specific fad diet.
In reality read more »
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