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If you're old enough to remember when fats were bad - and low-fat and fat-free foods filled every pantry, cabinet, and refrigerator - the messaging today that they're an essential part of any diet and may even help you lose weight can be confu read more »
Vacation and indulgence don't necessarily have to go hand in hand (as much as you might want them to). It's completely possible to eat healthfully while traveling or even squeeze in a workout or some meditation, if that's your thing. In fact, wellne
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We love predicting trends, and we're forecasting that healthy wraps will be the obsession of 2019. We're talking niche wraps like the cheese wraps at Costco and the egg white wraps at Walmart.
We thought the creativity would stop there, but the read more »
We thought the creativity would stop there, but the read more »
And for once, it's not about The MVNHS© or CanuckCare©, but in our own Golden State:"A California woman is accused of posing as a pharmacist and handling out nearly a million prescriptions before she was caught"Turns out, she'd fraudulently claimed
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This brain training app may help you stay focused, says new study (CNN): “Our digital lives make concentration difficult…A group of Cambridge university researchers believes to have developed a “fun” solution to this modern problem. By playing a “br
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Nothing says comfort food quite like sloppy joes. The go-to of potlucks and family dinners for generations, they've got the tangy and hearty flavor even kids gravitate to. Many versions, including canned sauces, however, contain added sugars or even
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Research of the Week
Neanderthals were likely sprinters, not joggers.
Low-carb diets, whether they be high-protein and/or high-fat, plant-based or animal-based, are not associated with elevated coronary artery calcium.
Fried chicken a read more »
Neanderthals were likely sprinters, not joggers.
Low-carb diets, whether they be high-protein and/or high-fat, plant-based or animal-based, are not associated with elevated coronary artery calcium.
Fried chicken a read more »
If dairy doesn't agree with you or you're trying to cut it out of your diet, you know that finding substitutions that actually taste good isn't always easy. Luckily, we've made life a little easier by hunting down the best dairy-free options you can
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