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Eating late at night has a negative effect on your sleep patterns and your waistline, but all too often we find ourselves sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream after dinner, binging Hulu! So how does one avoid the late-night munchies? I deci
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So saw this the other day:"Beaumont waives emergency copays and deductibles for federal workers during shutdown"Beaumont being a hospital in the metro Detroit area. While this seems quote generous, it struck me that it didn't sound ... kosher.So I r
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Salads aren't just for summer, and this recipe proves it. Warm, hearty, rich, with the deep flavors of mixed mushrooms, bacon (we have you at that, right?) and mustard dressing, this delicious side—or full-on meal—will make a believer out of you. Sa
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Building muscle isn't as simple as it sounds. It's going to require dedication, changes to your nutrition, recovery (this is extremely important), and time. If your goal is to build muscle and you're not sure where to begin, start here.
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When you're focused on fitness goals and trying to maintain a low-carb lifestyle, you may dread snack time, thinking it will lead to your downfall. But fear not - if sugar is usually your vice, there are plenty of sweet snack options that will still
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If you've thought about going full KonMari Method on your place but haven't quite taken the leap, consider this: tidying up could be seriously good for your health.
Here's what we know: a messy home can lead to overeating, with one study read more »
CMS released the proposed 2020 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters this past week. As part of the proposal the Trump Administration is proposing to reduce the exchange user fee from 3.5% to 3%. The user fee is paid for by insurers (cough, cough
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Gym? Never heard of it. Just kidding . . . but in all honesty, you don't always have to hit the gym to get in a good workout. If you're looking for something quick that will really fatigue your muscles, this butt and ab workout is what you need.
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