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So you fell off the fitness wagon. It's OK! You just need to find a little motivation to get going, and this 30-day challenge is just the thing to encourage you to move every single day.
This challenge takes less than 15 minutes each day, but read more »
This challenge takes less than 15 minutes each day, but read more »
Ah, those right whingers at Kaiser strike again:Another blown up Single Payer/Medicare for All myth, courtesy of Drew Altman at Kaiser: " It may be surprising, but no other developed nation has zero out of pocket costs — even those that treat health
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This time of year, we're flooded with gimmicks and so-called "revolutionary" ways on how to finally lose weight and keep it off for good: cleanses, detoxes, bootcamp classes, weird spa treatments, food delivery services, and every fitness app ever p
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Strength training is an essential component to your workout regiment, especially if your goal is to lose body fat and build muscle. Not all exercises are created equal, which is why experts recommend doing multijoint movements called compound read more »
Good morning, folks! I've got a blog post coming up here soon, but let me share about an upcoming event I think you'll be interested in. At the end of this month I'll be speaking at the Metabolic Health Summit (MHS) in Los Angeles. It's shaping up t
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If you're not listening to Eminem when you work out, according to Spotify, you're doing it wrong. The streaming service recently released an infographic about workout playlist trends, as well as its top workout songs of all time. Not only does Emine
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Looking to up your fitness game and lose weight? Try walking. Seriously! Not only is it totally free - you just need a pair of walking shoes and about 30 minutes - but it can help you increase endurance, boost heart health, and lose weight (an read more »
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