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It's freezing outside, so why would these guys want to take off their shirts and do yoga? Who knows, but we're obviously impressed with not only their strength, flexibility, and balance but also their wild sense of adventure! It looks so invigoratin
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If you have resolved to become stronger and healthier but don't want to commit to an expensive gym membership or drop thousands of dollars on your very own at-home gym (ha!), you can still do it. You actually don't have to spend a dime to get fit th
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For many, this time of year signals an opportunity to change. It's as though the shift to a new calendar year holds gravitational weight, encouraging us to treat this simple passage of time as a catalytic event that will spurn us to transform read more »
We enjoy The Fitness Marshall's dance workouts because we don't feel pressured to be Beyoncé-level backup dancers. The Fitness Marshall is always coming up with choreography that's suitable for any level, and we're currently loving his new read more »
It's not asking too much to want strong arms, toned legs, a big butt, and sexy abs. All of this is possible with weightlifting. For a while, women thought that picking up weights heavier than 10 pounds would turn them into Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson,
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Recommit to your fitness life this year and get ready to run a 5K. We've created a six-week plan to get you up and running - literally. If you have a casual relationship with running and can run comfortably for at least 10 minutes, our plan will hel
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Courtesy of FoIB Holly R.■ Camp Fire kills carrier:"The local Merced County Insurance Company — whose client base is overwhelmingly located in the wildfire-prone Sacramento Central Valley area — announced this week that it was closing shop because i
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PSA: Halle Berry just revealed some very important information during her latest "Fitness Friday" post on Instagram. First: she's got a new film in the works; we're superexcited to hear what it is. Second: she showed us the core exercises she's bee
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