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Biogen and Elan have reported two confirmed cases of a deadly brain infection - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy - in patients taking their Tysabri multiple sclerosis drug, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Our mouths are key to diabetes control. And not just what we put in them.How
would you like to reduce your A1C level by 0.67 percent -- like from
6.67 to 6.0 -- without putting less in your mouth or even increasing
your exercise? This read more »
would you like to reduce your A1C level by 0.67 percent -- like from
6.67 to 6.0 -- without putting less in your mouth or even increasing
your exercise? This read more »
You're asking and I'm answering . . .
"Hey Fit. I've noticed that mosquitoes are really attracted to me. If I go hiking with my friends, they'll walk out of the woods itch free and I'll wind up with at least 10 mosquito bites. I just assumed I read more »
"Hey Fit. I've noticed that mosquitoes are really attracted to me. If I go hiking with my friends, they'll walk out of the woods itch free and I'll wind up with at least 10 mosquito bites. I just assumed I read more »
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