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Are you looking to make 2019 your healthiest year yet? As a personal trainer and a Pilates instructor, I am always working with clients on how to make them stronger physically and mentally year after year, and I've compiled a list of my top five tip
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In order to have a good night of sleep, all the stars need to be aligned. I need to have exercised that day in order to be tired enough. I need to have stopped drinking coffee by noon. I need the kids to be asleep so I don't have one of them tiptoei
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What the heck is CBD? Is it cannabis? Does it make you "high?" Why is it all the rage? My mind buzzed with these questions as I read story after story touting the benefits of cannabidiol (fewer aches and pains and less anxiety, for starters) a read more »
When a new mom friend told me about her experience at a sensory-deprivation float tank spa and how relaxed and awesome she felt afterward, I didn't need any convincing. I jumped on the idea and booked my first appointment for 60 minutes and $7 read more »
Fruit is not the enemy when it comes to weight loss! Registered dietitian Stephanie Ferrari, MS, RDN, told POPSUGAR, "According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, not a single age group 9 years old and over are getting enough fruit in their di
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The countdown to Christmas is on, and one of the most fun ways to celebrate and build excitement is with an Advent calendar. Gone are the days when little chocolate coins were the only surprises in store; these days, you can find boxed calendars fil
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You don't have to wait until New Year's Day to start setting fitness goals for yourself - start today! Whether you simply want to add more strength training into your routine or you're trying to lose weight, how you set and approach your goals will
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Fasted workouts are a controversial topic in the fitness world. To some, the idea of working out without "carbing up" or doing the pre-workout protein shake is unthinkable. Won't my performance suffer? Won't my muscles shrink? Won't my body think I'
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