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It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what's causing your bloating. It could be a food intolerance (like dairy) or too many cans of LaCroix, or maybe it's just that time of the month. One thing is for sure: whatever the cause, it can be really uncomfor
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Before you read another word, bookmark this page! It's the ultimate guide to the best ab moves, including both bodyweight moves and exercises that use equipment like dumbbells, medicine balls, and even towels. Mix and match the moves you like to cre
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How many times have you been at the end of a workout class and heard your instructor tell you to refuel your body with protein within a couple of hours after the class is finished? It's a popular phrase touted by trainers and fitness professio read more »
Sometimes you eat a meal so good, you can't help but go back for seconds (or thirds). Or maybe you keep a bag of your favorite chips in the house, promising you'll only eat what you portion out only to find yourself eating the entire bag in one sitt
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Pumpkin makes everything better, but it's also good for you - pumpkins are low-calorie, high in fiber, and packed with vitamins and minerals that can boost immunity. That is, until you bake them into cookies or muffins, or mix them into a sugary lat
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Well, not everything, but now I have a decision to make.Regular readers know that I bailed on the individual (ACA) medical market some time ago, and that decision continued to make sense, especially since for the past year or so the only carriers in
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Not into running? No worries. We've got you covered for cardio. This 20-minute workout will get your heart rate up, and you don't even have to leave the house. You don't need any equipment, so press play and get at it!
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It's taken a lot of traveling for me to realize that just because I'm on vacation, I can't eat whatever I want. I'm a fan of making that excuse, but now that I'm back on Weight Watchers - again - I've tried to get those tendencies under control. I r
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