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So, you and your partner just got done with your bedroom marathon and the pain is finally settling in. But before you freak out over burning urination, you may be experiencing something far less serious than an STI or a medical condition. Alt read more »
Image Source: Unsplash / Luca Iaconelli
Sick of the daily struggle of not being able to see? Dry contacts, tired eyes, smudged lenses - that's just the beginning. Believe me, I hear you. After a few years of contemplating the big change and a s read more »
Sick of the daily struggle of not being able to see? Dry contacts, tired eyes, smudged lenses - that's just the beginning. Believe me, I hear you. After a few years of contemplating the big change and a s read more »
After my recent post on keto for women, I got a lot of feedback. One of the most common themes: "But what about menopause?" I heard from dozens of women in both the comment section and in emails who were having trouble losing weight and dealing with
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The first time I ever used battle ropes was during a training workout with my collegiate track and field team. I remember how gassed I felt after just 15 seconds of work, and oddly enough, I fell in love with battle ropes. I enjoy using battle ropes
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I have a confession to make: I don't drink enough water. I know how important it is for your body, your skin, your weight, everything, but I just haven't gotten there. I drink tea every morning and afternoon, and it can feel tough to keep up read more »
Mallory King is a 27-year-old certified trainer and nutritionist with her own wellness blog, but she wasn't always this focused on being healthy. She shares with POPSUGAR that she remembers being overweight ever since she was in elementary school. S
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That is the conclusion from Dean et al. (2018) published in JAMA Psychiatry. Using a Danish registry of individuals born between 1965 and 1998, the measure the likelihood a crime event (any or violet) between 2001 and 2013. They find that: In a to
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A post shared by Tone It Up (@toneitup) on Jul 28, 2018 at 9:26am PDT
Tone It Up was created by best friends Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott and has quickly become one of the most popular fitness programs and communities read more »
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