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If you're trying to lose weight, then you're probably hyperaware of the calories of your favorite foods. Cheese, while delicious and savory and good melted on top of just about anything, is a high-fat, high-calorie food that you may want to ea read more »
United Healthcare is expanding its Cancer Support Program for many if its insureds:"The Cancer Support Program helps save clients money associated with treatment costs, while improving health outcomes and providing support to members facing cancer."
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Keto and Walmart go together like . . . well, maybe you wouldn't immediately think they go together at all, but they actually do! Once you learn the ins and outs of the keto diet, you'll have a pretty extensive and specific grocery list of food, and
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How do you design a good clinical trial? Clearly, the trial design depends on what question you are answering. For instance consider the dichotomy between an explanatory and pragmatic trial: A pragmatic randomised trial is undertaken in the “real w
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_____ Dear reader, Time for SharpBrains monthly e-newsletter, discussing latest thinking, research and tools for lifelong brain health and mental health. Enjoy! New thinking: Study finds clear–yet surprisingly different–benefits in 3 types of m
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You might be surprised to know that CrossFit isn't just about lifting heavy-ass weights and flipping tires! Sometimes it incorporates high-intensity Tabata-style workouts. Tabata involves structuring your workout into 20 seconds of pushing yourself
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Oh:The combined net worth of all US billionaires is $2.7 trillion.That means if you were to tax billionaires at 100% AND send in agents to forcibly seize and liquidate all their property assets, you couldn't even fund it for one year.
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Over the weekend, five-time Olympic medalist (four of which are gold) Simone Biles competed in the all-around competition at the 2018 US Classic, her first meet since the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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