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The Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook is getting a big discount, a full day before the rest of Prime Day kicks in: $3.99 for the Kindle book, 20% off the physical book. If you haven't picked it up yet, you're missing out. Sale starts at 8:35 a.m. PDT
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As we become more mindful about what we put into our body, it only makes sense that we're equally as concerned as what we put on ourselves. As a result, you may have recently switched over to a natural deodorant to protect themselves from the read more »
Losing weight isn't easy, so there's nothing more frustrating than seeing your hard work go to waste. If your diet hasn't been paying off, Dr. Carolyn Mein at YourTango explains how your brain could be causing your body to fight back.
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Whether you're into yoga or not, you will definitely appreciate scrolling through these photos of hot guys doing handstands. Feast your eyes on their impressive strength and balance! Oh, and by the way, they're shirtless, because it's essential to s
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When you hear about Courtney Schweiger's childhood, you would have never guessed she hit her heaviest weight at 214 pounds. She played volleyball and softball and was also a cheerleader. But you know how they say abs are made in the kitchen? W read more »
___ Memory Contest Comes To MIT, Where Brain Scientists Explain Why Training Works (WBUR): “For the last few months, 13-year-old Claire Wang of Los Angeles has been training her memory with playing cards, phone numbers, software — “whatever I can ge
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Gym shoes go through a lot of wear and tear. Those group fitness classes, time on the treadmill, rides on your bike, or dusty hikes are bound to play a role in not keeping your shoes looking clean and fresh. Or maybe you're a little clumsy - read more »
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