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You're watching your weight, eating salads and smoothies, hitting the gym regularly, but for the love of carbs, you could never give up beer. Why would you when it's so crisp, cold, and refreshing? It's totally an important part of your healthy life
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Does weightlifting feel like a foreign style of training to you? If so, that's completely understandable. Learning a new skill - cooking, a language, or fitness - requires a lot of practice. As a trainer, I've helped many people go from being read more »
Now that you've realized that you need to do a combination of strength training and cardio to strengthen and tone, you may be wondering how long until you begin to see any visible changes in your body. Turns out, it doesn't take as long as you read more »
When it comes to women lifting weights, a common myth is that you'll get "bulky" or look "manly". According to a 2006 review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the benefits of weightlifting for men and women are: increased bone mass, lean mu
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If you exercise to music, you know how key the right playlist is to unlocking your workout potential. Once your go-to song comes on, that hill suddenly seems doable and that extra set is no match. But listening to the same songs on repeat can be a d
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If you're looking for a move to strengthen your arms and legs all at once, look no further than the crab walk. The crab walk derives from Animal Flow, a ground-based movement program used to improve the function and communication of the "human read more »
Pitch perfect:Disagree. Why can't savvy shoppers be allowed to manage their own level of risk? This is INSURANCE after all, not healthcare. We let them manage their own auto risk, homeowners risk, death risk. Why not healthcare risk? Afraid of m
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A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@kayla_itsines) on Jul 4, 2018 at 11:36pm PDT
If you're ever short on gym equipment, there's always an alternative you can work with. No dumbbells? Substitute them with an exercise band read more »
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