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Friday’s news was full of stories about merger discussions between Partners HealthCare and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. No one denied the reports, so we can assume there’s some truth to the rumors. But why would these organizations conte
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I just finished my post (Partners and Harvard Pilgrim aren’t really going to merge are they?) when I got a call from the Boston Globe asking about the same topic. I’m quoted on the front page today (Experts puzzle over Partners-Harvard P
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In the latest episode of #CareTalk, CareCentrix CEO John Driscoll and I discuss why drug prices are so high in the US and what should be done about it. We also touch on the nomination of a new VA Secretary, big data (worthy of the hype?), and health
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_____ Cognitive training reduces depression, rebuilds injured brain structure & connectivity after traumatic brain injury (UT-Dallas release): “New research from the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas shows that certain
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As humans, our most important bodily endowment isn't our claws, sharp teeth, powerful haunches, iron grips, prehensile tails, venomous secretions, or aerosolized musk. It's the brain. We use it to shape the world around us, to bend physical reality
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It's that once-every-four-years time again: FIFA World Cup season! Even though Team USA won't be represented at the 2018 FIFA World Cup, there is still plenty to get excited about. (My husband and I are personally enthused that both Mexico and read more »
Losing weight isn't easy, and the whole process can be an even bigger challenge when you're on a budget. Gym memberships, special diet foods, protein powders and shakes, and workout classes can add up to a bigger bill than you'd like, but luckily th
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How do you choose to move? Maybe it's in group fitness classes, or perhaps it's by walking, biking, or running the nature-lined paths in your locale. Identifying an activity you love might seem easy, but finding the motivation to do it - not to ment
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