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For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a few questions and comments from last week’s post on the carnivore diet . First, Dawn gives us the unfortunate but necessary information that it’s not just the lone star tick w
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If you've ever worried that your pants are a little too smelly after a workout or got slightly self-conscious about how strong your vagina smells, just know that you're not alone. However, your scent is probably pretty typical, meaning there's read more »
When I received an email to test out "the world's first cool-temperature workout" at fitness studio Brrrn in New York City, I thought it was a cruel joke. As someone who is notorious for being cold, this was an immediate "hell no." I thought a read more »
There are times in life when your woes can only be cured with a slice of fluffy bread, and you shouldn't be deprived of that joy just because you're trying to maintain a healthy diet. Bread is a highly accessible food wherever you go; you can get yo
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There are certain things in life that should never be rushed, including a good meal and good sex - but especially sex. Although the average duration of intercourse is actually much shorter than most of us think (15 to 17 minutes at best, accor read more »
There are a lot of good reasons to try the Whole30 Diet; it's made up of fresh, whole foods, and free of things like sugar, junk food, and alcohol. It's a great plan for anyone looking to clean up their diet, but given the strict guidelines, meal pr
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You heard of the freshman 15? For me it was more like the freshman 40. No joke. I was a recent vegan convert, and only having access to the dining hall meant living on pasta, bagels, french fries, and cereal (Fruit Loops are vegan!). I was a total j
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Kimberly Snyder might just be the queen of detox. Not only does she have practically all of Hollywood sipping on her Glowing Green Smoothie, but she also just released a new book, The Beauty Detox Power ($19), to address the more emotional asp read more »
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