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While some have tried pretty shocking techniques to lose weight, there are also some common, long-held techniques that seem like a good idea - and may even work at first - but are absolutely going to backfire and end up causing weight gain. If you'r
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I've always wanted to be curvy. As someone who is very short (I'm 5'1" on a good day) and naturally has broad shoulders and a large waist, I never thought I could achieve the curves I saw on billboards and magazines. I've been told since I was a kid
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Keto tends to discourage snacking. Not as in “If you’re keto, you’re not allowed to snack!” More like “If you’re keto, you probably won’t feel the need to snack as much.”
Still, hunger strikes. Situations arise where you need a little something read more »
Still, hunger strikes. Situations arise where you need a little something read more »
We all have those days where we know we should work out, but for whatever reason, we just can't bring ourselves to get up and actually and do it. Fear not: while you are reading this and likely procrastinating over going to the gym, opt to keep your
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If you've recently decided to adopt a new fitness regimen, chances are you have one of two goals: lose some weight or get lean and toned. Lifting weights has a place if you're after either (or both) of these goals, but you may feel inclined to read more »
If being able to do 50 push-ups is on your fitness bucket list, it's time to make it happen. Just like the 30-Day Squat Challenge, here's a plan to build your upper body and core strength so that by the end of the 30 days, you'll be able to bust out
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After a trip to Las Vegas together, Kevin, his girlfriend, Megan, and his sister Lindsey were all disappointed in the photos from their vacation. Each of them knew that they wanted to make a change in their lifestyle and health, but instead of going
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Image Source: Unsplash / Jackelin Slack
I was taken over by a mixture of frustration and panic as I stared at the number flashing between my toes. How did the pounds creep up so quickly? I thought to myself. Either the cheap electronic sc read more »
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