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I'm beginning to see why Direct Primary Care continues to remain a blip on the health care radar (comprising 3% of practices, it's basically a rounding error):And when they realize that they could have gotten that MRI for $300 instead of $2500, alon
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___ Time for SharpBrains eNewsletter, bringing you the latest in in brain health and mental health research, tools and thinking. Also, a quick heads-up for those based in the UK: the Imperial College Centre for Neurotechnology will host a
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When it comes to eating for weight loss, there seems to be two schools of thought: some people believe you should eat three well-balanced meals a day and others think you should eat five or six smaller meals spread out throughout the day. Thos read more »
I love to squat. My brain lights up when I hear my group fitness class includes squat-centered lower-body workouts, and I beg my trainer to include more squats into our workout program. Crazy, I know. I've been learning recently, though, that read more »
AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse will be gone after July 16, 2018. Federal funding through AHRQ will no longer be able to support the NGC as of that date. According to their April 23rd announcement, they are receiving “expressio
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Two years ago, much ado was made about what appeared to be a decline in obesity rates among 2- to 5-year-olds, a finding based on a national study of fewer than 1,000 children that age. However, subsequent analyses have shown the decline to be trans
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It had been a hectic day in the urgent-care clinic of my large family practice, and I was starting to worry about the time: My last two patients had put me thirty minutes behind. I felt relieved when I saw the note for the next patient: “Seven
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As a personal trainer and fitness model, I get asked a lot of questions about the best ways to lose belly fat, what protein you should be taking, and a bunch of other questions pertaining to health and wellness. Although I may not always be ab read more »
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