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Title: Women Increasingly Prone to Kidney Stonesbr /Category: Health Newsbr /Created: 8/28/2013 4:35:00 PMbr /Last Editorial Review: 8/29/2013 12:00:00 AM
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Metabolically healthy obesity - where an individual has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of greater than 30 but does not appear to be at increased risk of the health complications usually associated with excess weight - has only been recently widely recognis
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From one college student to another, here’s what to load up on.
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Eating blueberries, grapes, apples and pears cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes but drinking fruit juice can increase it, a large study has found.
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This past July, the newest doctors, interns, have continued their journey in becoming experienced doctors. These newly minted and graduated doctors have excitement, anxiety, and anticipation not unlike the first day of medical school, college, or hi
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There has never been a time in my life when I’ve owed a lot of money. That certainly has changed this past two years as my husband and myself find ourselves with medical debt that we may never pay off . As you can guess, we have no health insurance
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Shouldn#8217;t everyone get an individualized assessment of likely benefits, burdens, and risks before making a big medical decision? I was asked this question recently, during an interview for an Internet radio show on aging. Per my host#8217;s req
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1. When your doctor looks in your eyes with a flashlight, shut your eyes tightly so he can’t see your pupils. Later, when your doctors asks you to shut your eyes tightly to test your eyelid strength, look at him like he’s speaking in tongues and kee
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