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Dr. Glauser at EMNews vents his spleen a bit about a general feeling that Primary Care needs more funding:
Say what? Fund physicians to promote primary care? Why throw good money after bad? If ever there was a group that has failed in providing read more »
Say what? Fund physicians to promote primary care? Why throw good money after bad? If ever there was a group that has failed in providing read more »
Dr. Glauser at EMNews vents his spleen a bit about a general feeling that Primary Care needs more funding:
Say what? Fund physicians to promote primary care? Why throw good money after bad? If ever there was a group that has failed in providing read more »
Say what? Fund physicians to promote primary care? Why throw good money after bad? If ever there was a group that has failed in providing read more »
Methyl anthanilate occurs naturally in grapes, along with a suite of other aroma compounds, which combine to give that complex, earthy, bright grape juice aroma. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
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In his Software Advice blog (The Double Standard for Web-Based EMRs), Houston Neal argues that some physicians are unreasonably wary of using web-based electronic medical records:
Why are some physicians still fearful of web-based electronic me read more »
Why are some physicians still fearful of web-based electronic me read more »
Hospitalists are becoming more powerful by the day.Bob Wachter talks about how hospitalists, the fasting growing medical profession in history, have become the "active bed managers" at a teaching hospital in Maryland. Described as an "air traffic c
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With things getting a little hectic and stressful as Christmas nears, I thought it was time for a little levity (very little, I’m afraid) in the form of a funny animal public service ad.
Peter Porkchops was one of DC Comics’ most read more »
Peter Porkchops was one of DC Comics’ most read more »
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