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United Healthcare announced that it’s exiting most of the Obamacare insurance marketplaces (aka exchanges) next year. Sound like a familiar story? In fact all the recent news coverage is just a rehash of last November’s announcement that
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Uber and to a lesser degree Lyft have decimated the taxi industry with a disruptive model that lowers costs, improves service, and identifies the few bad apples among drivers and passengers. Now both companies are venturing into a niche market that&
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Stem cell research in fruit flies suggests that the body's organs are gendered male or female. This could explain why some diseases affect one sex more than the other.
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My father, Allan F. Williams is a renowned highway safety expert, sometimes called the Grandfather of Graduated Licensing. He retired from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety as Chief Scientist in 2004. Recently he told me about Vision Zero,
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With the most recent return of her leukemia in the fall, I asked her, not for the first time, if she had been through enough, and would like to forgo any more clear='all'/br/br/a href="
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A person's very first drink induces neurochemical changes that influence how they will drink in future, says a study into the effects of alcohol on the brain.
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A new microfluidic device and imaging technology captures high-resolution images of the fertilization process - showing molecular and membrane events as sperm fuses with egg.
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A single dose of alcohol can immediately increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, new research finds. If consumed in moderation, however, alcohol may reduce these risks.
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