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Old folks are dangerous enough. I should know. I am one. Bad enough you allow me to hurtle down the highway in semi-control of a couple of tons of steel while thinking about science (at least I'm not thinking about decking some young thing or even
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An interesting situation has developed in the United States' bigger, cozier neighbor.
In January, the Canadian Transportation Agency ruled that disabled people taking domestic flights were entitled to two airline seats for the price of o read more »
In January, the Canadian Transportation Agency ruled that disabled people taking domestic flights were entitled to two airline seats for the price of o read more »
Some primary care doctors are refusing to take new Medicare patients because of worries about the pay.
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Christmas is synonymous with so many things, one of them being cookies. Can you imagine Christmas without cookies? Well, now you can imagine a cookie that is relatively guilt-free. I saw a cookie recipe while flipping through the December issue of S
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Twitter is a microblogging service where people answer the question "What are you doing?" via 140-character messages from their cellphone, laptop or desktop. You can select the messages you find useful, amusing, or both. Here is the 21st edition of
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Two papers published in The New England Journal of Medicine are reporting the success of a pair of new vaccines tested in children in Africa. And experts say the results may open the door to sweeping trials of the vaccines in seven African nations b
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