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The Empire strikes back. BI-Deaconess' CEO Paul Levy points out that Partners Healthcare has taken out full-page ads in the Boston Globe rebutting the investigative story exposing their disproportionally higher payments.Or, as Mr. Levy jokes, "the B
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By now you may have heard that Ann Coulter’s jaw was broken (reportedly in a fall), and as a result the commentator’s jaw has been temporarily wired shut.
Yes, Coulter is loud and abrasive and opinionated, and I tend to disagree wi read more »
Yes, Coulter is loud and abrasive and opinionated, and I tend to disagree wi read more »
The drugmaker reached a settlement with the US Department of Justice, which alleged Bayer paid kickbacks to diabetic suppliers, prompting them to submit false claims to Medicare. The feds claimed Bayer engaged in a ‘cash-for-patient’ sch
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The surfers I know live and breathe the sport, so giving a gift that supports their hang-loose hobby will be sure to please any surf-loving Betty in your life. From the home to the ocean, I've found a few fun presents that will make a surfer girl's
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I know you know that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but do you know the nutritional differences between white and dark turkey meat? I'm a fan of all parts of the bird, but I know many people who avoid dark meat because they think it's much
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The FDA plans to interview more than 1,500 consumers to decide whether DTC TV ads should urge patients to report side effects, the Associated Press writes. However, some critics argue the toll-free number could distract viewers from other important
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A Canadian relative of mine went to the hospital for “minor” surgery and ended up in the ICU on a ventilator with severe pneumonia. He was pretty agitated while intubated –not exactly uncommon, I know. A few days later when the tub
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