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————— Please answer this question and a few other to help us better understand your thoughts and beliefs about brain health, and how we may be able to serve you better (should take no more than 5 minutes to complete it): Take the survey Th
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While doing 100 crunches won't diminish belly fat, once you dial in your diet and lower your body fat percentage, you'll want to reveal your strong, chiseled abs! These crunch variations are basic yet effective, and if you want defined abs, these ab
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I'm still riding the high of holding another Primal Health Coach Institute Masterclass event—this one in Miami Beach, July 27-29. A couple dozen Primal Health Coach Institute students, graduates, staff and I gathered to take a deep dive into ancestr
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Fitness Friday! I would do core exercises all day everyday if I could, oh wait I do 🤦🏼♀️ It still amazes me that you can get such a great workout by using your own body weight. 1. 32 reps 2. 16 reps 3. 32 reps Three sets. For more core wor
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NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest program of the Clinton Foundation, the family philanthropy of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, is still weighing whether to continue accepting foreign donations should Clinton be elected, a spo
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Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 61-year-old man is evaluated for a 10-month history of generalized weakness. He reports no pain or myalgia. History is significant for h
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As an orthopedic sports medicine surgeon newly in practice, I read with interest Gina Kolata’s article #8220;Why ‘Useless’ Surgery Is Still Popular.#8221; As a doctor with a research background, I often champion the importance of research and promot
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In July, I found myself needing to step away from social media and news coverage of the recent shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota, and Dallas. Being a psychiatrist has made me sensitive to the toll of pain and anguish that life may bring, even as a b
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