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Even the most honest among us do not tell the truth all of the time. We are flawed human beings. We covet, we gossip, we steal, we lie, and we stand idly by. You don’t think you steal? Have you ever #8220;borrowed#8221; someone else’s idea and r
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Once upon a time, a hospital was a place you went if you were sick. Doctors would (ideally) figure out what was wrong, offer treatment, and you would convalesce. The longer you stayed in a hospital, the more the hospital could charge you (your insur
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I often find myself putting other people I meet who have bipolar disorder into two clearly different categories. Either they are like myself and they are manic, or they tend to have depression more of the time. For me, if I have depression, it is [&
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A few weeks ago, my beau and I decided to tackle a huge home improvement project together. According to Amy Kipp, a couples and family therapist in San Antonio, “Working through the ups and downs of a big project helps you hone your communicat
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“Always recovering, never recovered.” A simple sentence that can be a harsh reminder. And that’s not to say your efforts or how far you’ve gotten were for naught, but to keep getting back up when you do fall. I’ve learn
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Shut down the Snapchat! Don’t worry — this is NOT another lecture about how you should put down your phone once in awhile and appreciate the beauty of the world (though that’s not such a bad idea)! Instead, this is simply a caution
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The mind is razor sharp, the water glass is refilled, and I am ready to unfurl my latest thought-providing Psych Central article. Sitting down in my favorite chair, I fire up the trusty laptop and within minutes am listening to a belting Michelle, M
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A recent proposal to remove transgender identity from the ICD, the World Health Organization’s manual of medical conditions, has reignited the debate over what should and shouldn’t be a mental health diagnosis. Many feel that classifying
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