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I can rant about smoking cigarettes until I am blue in the face. It can lead to asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer; you all know that. Unfortunately even with that knowledge, many Americans continue to puff away. Take this quiz on recent
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By BOB WACHTER Hospitals aren’t the first businesses hurt when the economy sours, but they get hurt nonetheless, as an article in last week’s NY Times points out. But hospitalists have never lived through a massive downturn. What happens to...
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The all-natural Naturally More peanut butter certainly has a lot going for it on paper: It was named one of the 125 best packaged foods by Women's Health, has no cholesterol or trans-fats, and contains healthy essentials like flaxseed, flax oil, and
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A relatively new web site - Opposing Views - serves as a platform for debates on various issues. The debate categories include health. They asked me to participate in a debate on universal health coverage. So here is my read more »
When you're suffering from a dull tension headache, try these yoga poses before reaching for medication. They're a series of forward bends and reclining poses that will soothe your head and release tension from your neck. They'll also improve circul
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THE committee setting guidelines for the treatment of ADHD is dominated by members who have financial connections to drugmakers, The Daily Telegraph reports.
Seven of the 10 group members, including doctors, have declared receiving grants, airf read more »
Seven of the 10 group members, including doctors, have declared receiving grants, airf read more »
Some moms say the health care giant has caused them real pain for running a tone-deaf ad and related content on its Motrin web site that appeared to poke fun at carrying babies in slings and pouches. The spot called this a fashion that mimics a bond
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The 2008 Olympic Games came and went as quickly as Michael Phelps won his 100 meter butterfly race, and for many of us, a small dose of Olympics withdrawal followed the closing ceremony. Shape seems to have known how much everyone was missing the in
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