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As I've said before many times, herbal or plant-based medicines are about the only kind of "alternative" medicine that has significant prior scientific plausibility based on what we know about science. That's because plants often contain biologicall
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We all know how Wikipedia works - the definitions and descriptions can be changed by the public at large. Now, Marianne Skolek has defined Purdue Pharma for all the world to see - and in her view, her recent entry helps to set the record straight ab
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Obama's big plans for health-care reform will rise or fall in the U.S. Senate. Key Democratic senators are considering some aggressive procedural moves to avoid a Republican filibuster.
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Dear Fit Sugar,
I'm on a mission to lose that last 10 pounds, which has been so difficult, and I'm training for a half-marathon as well. I eat well and exercise a lot — cardio almost every day and strength training five days a week. I've always read more »
I'm on a mission to lose that last 10 pounds, which has been so difficult, and I'm training for a half-marathon as well. I eat well and exercise a lot — cardio almost every day and strength training five days a week. I've always read more »
The virulent influenza A subtype H5N1, known colloquially as bird flu, has caused sporadic cases of human disease but has not yet become a pandemic strain. There are several things which still separate H5N11 from the kind of seasonal influenza infec
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A patient is HIV-free two years after receiving a transplant from a donor with a genetic mutation that protects against AIDS.
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We ambulance people are finding ourselves called to the Barkantine centre quite a bit these days. Amongst other things it is a birthing centre.
It's really rather nice actually - it's clean and airy, the rooms are large and have al read more »
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