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According to many conservative pundits, Obamacare is a job killer. Five days before Obama signed the law, in fact, speaker John Boehner declared that the president was pushing “his job-killing government takeover of health care that will hurt small
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Tom is a forty-three-year-old self-employed painter and father of two. He’s currently in remission from lung cancer, having been first diagnosed five years ago. At the time of his diagnosis, he did not have health insurance. Thankfully, for him, Ame
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Supporters of the health care status quo are outraged, predictably, over what they see as Donald Trump’s search-and-destroy mission on Obamacare. They cite all of the newly insured people under the Affordable Care Act #8212; then turn to gloom-and-d
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In an oft-cited psychology experiment from the 1960s done at Stanford, toddlers were isolated in a room with a table on which sat a single marshmallow. If they could resist the temptation to eat it, as they were told by the experimenters, they would
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“Hey, Matt, come with me. I am going to my satellite office. Bring your laptop; you can do some work,” Uncle John said. As I hurriedly grabbed my belongings, I visualized Uncle John’s office. It was probably a nondescript building tucked in a tony M
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You sit in a car to commute to your desk job, where you sit for eight or more hours, only to continue the ever-popular tush time by sitting on your commute home. Of course, once there, you end up back on a chair at the dinner table and then plop you
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