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Approximately one in four biologics approved since 1995 in the US and Europe have had at least one safety-related regulatory action issued for them 10 years after their approval, including about 11 percent receiving a Black Box warning, according to
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We have 2 interesting stories in the news. First, as a sports fan, I would like to focus on Kellen Winslow, Jr - Browns confirm Kellen Winslow’s staph infection
Browns coach Romeo Crennel confirmed today that tight read more »
You're asking and I'm answering . . .
Hey Fit,
I am bumming on my bum. It is not as perky as it used to be. I don't have too much time to work out, because I am sitting on my bum all day working and going to school at night. I need cardio read more »
Hey Fit,
I am bumming on my bum. It is not as perky as it used to be. I don't have too much time to work out, because I am sitting on my bum all day working and going to school at night. I need cardio read more »
The New York Times has a very long article by Lawrence Altman, a physician and medical reporter for the newspaper, about the uncertainties regarding the medical histories of the four major party candidates for President and Vice-President. John McCa
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I've been very critical of The Huffington Post since shortly after its formation three years ago, when (I believe) I was the first blogger to notice a proliferation of antivaccination propaganda at the then brand new group blog. It is a situation th
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Being a curious creature, I like to compare things. Recently, I decided to focus on cooking oil. I tend to use canola and olive oil when cooking since they're healthy oils, but as I peruse the shelves of oils at the grocery store, there are so many
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