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We are visual creatures, and all these food labels or stamps have been created to help us recognize by sight healthy features of our food. Do you know what these labels mean when the words that accompany the image have been pixilated beyond recognit
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OK, so I need to stop for a second here and say that Jessica Alba looks absolutely amazing for just having had a baby three and a half months ago. She only gained 25 pounds total and since she exercised during her pregnancy, it was easier for her bo
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OK, so I need to stop for a second here and say that Jessica Alba looks absolutely amazing for just having had a baby three and a half months ago. She only gained 25 pounds total and since she exercised during her pregnancy, it was easier for her bo
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Fun little stop-motion fungus vid this morning:
Which then reminded me of my weekend purchase: a grow at home mushroom bag! While it's clear most of these "mushroom grow kit" sites make most of their money from enterprising Phish fans, th read more »
Which then reminded me of my weekend purchase: a grow at home mushroom bag! While it's clear most of these "mushroom grow kit" sites make most of their money from enterprising Phish fans, th read more »
Primal Confetti
Loaded with heart-healthy good fats and a good source of protein, nuts are a satisfying - not to mention - tasty addition to any diet. But, if you relegate your nut consumption only to the odd handful of raw nuts you’re mi read more »
Loaded with heart-healthy good fats and a good source of protein, nuts are a satisfying - not to mention - tasty addition to any diet. But, if you relegate your nut consumption only to the odd handful of raw nuts you’re mi read more »
Paying attention to songwriter news, Nashville’s Kate O points to a piece in the LA Times which reports on “the use of the 1994 Martina McBride country hit ‘Independence Day’ to bring Palin on stage at a rally after her debat
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We're so excited to announce the launch of CelebStyle! Inspired by the most frequently asked question that comes into PopSugar — "I just have to have the fabulous [item of clothing] that [insert character or celebrity] is wearing! Can you tell me wh
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DrSugar is in the house and answering your questions.
Hello Doc,
My mother is 50-years-old and has never had a mammogram. She has lived in Florida for about 26 years now and has not had health insurance since my father passed away seven y read more »
Hello Doc,
My mother is 50-years-old and has never had a mammogram. She has lived in Florida for about 26 years now and has not had health insurance since my father passed away seven y read more »
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