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Spin class is all about that playlist - to the point that hopping on a bike solo, whether at home or the gym, can feel, well, kind of boring. For those of us (me!) who need a little extra push, this 50-minute playlist designed specifically for cycli
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Everything about losing weight can feel tough, from finding the motivation to exercise on days that you just want to watch Netflix, to fighting the temptation to indulge in the donuts your coworker brought in. It seems unfair, really, that your budg
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I met David on the internet. It was to become on of the closest, most intense relationships of my life. For you see, a few months before he crossed my path his daughter finished the same protocol for the same type of brain tumor that my daughter ju
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There's nothing wrong with wanting to exercise - it's good for you! - or eat healthier. But one registered dietitian and personal trainer is making a strong case for why you need to check yourself: what are you really eating that salad or taki read more »
You don't need to wait until the temperatures cool to pull out your soup pot. There are tons of light, healthy recipes that are perfect for Summer. While Winter soups often feature pumpkin, squash, and other hearty ingredients, fresh veggies, herbs,
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The keto diet has been one of the most talked-about health trends in the past year. The low-carb, high-fat diet induces a state of ketosis in your body, creating ketones that burn fat instead of the glucose converted from carbohydrates. In other wor
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There's no denying that planning your wedding is a big, exciting ordeal. First, there's the engagement - which is awesome - usually followed by months and months of looking at venues, dresses, flowers, you name it. And while the entire process has d
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