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The periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular method of displaying the chemical elements. It was invented by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Mendeleev intended the table to illustrate recurring ("periodic") trends in the pro
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The periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular method of displaying the chemical elements. It was invented by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Mendeleev intended the table to illustrate recurring ("periodic") trends in the pro
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By Jim Jaffe When campaigning politicians talk about reforming America’s health care system, they’re understandably quiet in identifying who will take the pain that will ultimately be allocated between the three basic groups involved –- patients, pr
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This week, The Doctor Anonymous Show is honored to welcome Dr. Jeffrey Parks to the show. His blog is called Buckeye Surgeon and he works in the Cleveland, Ohio area. This probably doesn't mean much to some people out there, but, to me, I think this
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This week, The Doctor Anonymous Show is honored to welcome Dr. Jeffrey Parks to the show. His blog is called Buckeye Surgeon and he works in the Cleveland, Ohio area. This probably doesn't mean much to some people out there, but, to me, I think this
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This week, The Doctor Anonymous Show is honored to welcome Dr. Jeffrey Parks to the show. His blog is called Buckeye Surgeon and he works in the Cleveland, Ohio area. This probably doesn't mean much to some people out there, but, to me, I think this
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Economists generally define efficiency in two manners: productive efficiency and allocative efficiency. Productive efficiency means producing a good or service using fewest inputs. A car company who produces a car that costs $20,000 to manufacture
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