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You're asking and I'm answering . . .
Hey Fit,
I just started a new job that makes it impossible to exercise in the morning like I used to (I'd have to wake up at 4 am, which is just not going to happen). So in order to fit my workouts in, read more »
Hey Fit,
I just started a new job that makes it impossible to exercise in the morning like I used to (I'd have to wake up at 4 am, which is just not going to happen). So in order to fit my workouts in, read more »
Early last year I told you about the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act. And unfortunately, it has not been approved so we're not yet allowed to pay for our health club dues, physical fitness programs, certain exercise equipment, and childr
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A reader (thanks Jen) alerted me to this article on Forbes, The FDA's Black Box. The basics of the article are that the FDA can't say anything about drug approvals or non-approvals (or anything else relating to a drug for that matter) if it deals wi
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The recent firebombing of the homes of two researchers employed at the University of California, Santa Cruz has been covered by a good slice of ScienceBlogs including AinEandS, Respectful Insolence, Terra Sigillata and new Sb blog Built on Facts (wh
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As I mentioned earlier, the current issue of Nature has a perspectives article by Donald Berry, a statistician at the MD Anderson Cancer Center that addresses problems with the current system for testing athletes. I more or less agree with the read more »
The New York Times reports (”Doctor and Patient, Now at Odds“) that the doctor-patient relationship is suffering. Patients no longer place absolute trust in their doctor for a variety of reasons. On the physician side, patients know th
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