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It's easy to oversimplify things, but when it comes to fitness, oversimplification and generalizations rarely ever work. If you're trying to build muscle, hitting the weights without a plan and eating a bunch of protein won't work. Instead, you've g
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It seems like nothing can throw off your weight-loss plans like a dinner invitation. You want to socialize and try new dishes, but finding something healthy on the menu can be challenging, especially when even the cleanest-looking options can read more »
By now, you probably already know how important it is to warm up before any kind of workout. The best warmups prep your body and nervous system to handle different moves and loads, and skipping them can lead to soreness or injury. But it can be toug
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I'm a creature of habit, but I'll try everything, especially new workouts, at least once. I was invited to try the new Master of One class at Equinox, which is a total-body workout using just one dumbbell. The idea behind using one dumbbell is to in
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There is no such thing as too much gymnastics, especially when it comes to Katelyn Ohashi's floor routines. It's only been a few weeks since she went viral (again) at the UCLA season opener, and the Katelyn magic is not wearing off anytime read more »
There's a lot of star power on the No. 3 UCLA women's gymnastics team, including viral sensation Katelyn Ohashi and Olympic gold medalists Madison Kocian and Kyla Ross. At a meet against Washington on Feb. 10, Kyla brought down the house when read more »
Halle Berry is all about sharing her love of health and wellness with her Instagram community. In her most recent "Fitness Friday" post, Halle shared a quick workout you can do with a partner.
"No warrior battles alone, and in the spirit of #Va read more »
"No warrior battles alone, and in the spirit of #Va read more »
Watching a lot of television as a kid may lead to violent behavior later in life, according to a new study carried out by researchers from the University of Otago. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, identified that children and adolesc
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