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This is a question I can’t answer with certainty. Patients often believe that since I’m part of the health-care system, I would know. But I don’t, not as a doctor — and not even when I’m a patient myself. In the United States, health insurance is so
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Picture this: you just got home from the grocery store and you've got ten bags full of goodies. There is no way you're taking multiple trips to get everything inside. Luckily you don't have to, because you've been working out - and specifically targ
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Breaking was supposed to have its global moment this year. But its historic debut at the Paris 2024 Olympics was somewhat overshadowed by memes and controversy. If you were even slightly online during the Olympics, it was hard to escape mentio read more »
Meng Li (2024) has a nice summary of the generalized cost effectiveness analysis (GCEA) user guide paper (see Shafrin et al. 2024) that was published last month. The GCEA methodology encompasses 15 ‘petals’ across four domains. The uncertainty domai
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The Washington Post reports on a meeting between President-elect Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and a number of CEOs of pharmaceutical firms. When the topic turned to vaccines, the discussion was not about banning the products, the three people said.
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That is the title of an interview with me in The Evidence Base out today with the subtitle Introducing generalized cost effectiveness analysis for a comprehensive value assessment. Below is an excerpt: What is this paper about? What is new in this p
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As an athlete, my choice in workout clothes is determined first and foremost by function. Will I be able to perform to the best of my ability while wearing it, and will I feel at all constricted in my movement? But that doesn't mean I'm not cu read more »
This group fitness class combines elements of strength, cardio, and dance to deliver a fun total-body workout. This remix-style video features all of your favorite instructors, including Raneir Pollard, Selena Watkins, and Khetanya Henderson. If you
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