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If there's anything that's synonymous with your period, it's cravings. When that time of the month comes, you just want foooood, whether that's sweets or snacks of the crispy, salty variety. But have you ever wondered why?
"Food cravings read more »
With the explosion of keto, there's an ever growing constant stream of new information about the significant benefits, supposed risks, and varying “rules” for how to adopt a keto diet. As with most things, it's easy to get sucked into information ov
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Looking and feeling the best you can on your wedding day is what every bride wishes. From their dress to their hair and makeup look, brides-to-be can perfect their big day appearances months in advance. That's also true when it comes to a bride's we
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With so many birth control options available for women, finding the right fit for you can be overwhelming. Should I go with an IUD? The implant? What about the dozens of birth control pills on the market? One form of birth control that has be read more »
You know the stench: the one your water bottle gets after sitting for far too long at your desk or in your car. But you may not realize that it smells that way because bottles are magnets for bacteria.
"The types of bacteria you'll find read more »
One of the most common questions I get is "Does [x] break a fast?" What they're really inquiring about is: "Does this interfere with, negate, or nullify the benefits of fasting?" These benefits include: Ketosis: Fasting is the quickest way to get in
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How many times have you heard the phrase "beach body" associated with Summer? I'll give you an example. Just last week while out to dinner, my mom referenced our upcoming family vacation to Hawaii. "We've got to work on our beach bodies befor read more »
Sore muscles are happy muscles because it's usually a sign of progress! It means you've challenged yourself or worked muscle groups you don't normally work. This happened to me last night with a new yoga practice. Though I'm good at balance b read more »
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