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Not to be dramatic, but the release of these new Ben & Jerry's dairy-free flavors might be the best part of your week. Two brand-new flavors made with almond milk launched on Feb. 12, and they'll have you making room in your freezer immedi read more »
Trying to lose belly fat can feel like an impossible task at times. The fat around your abdomen is, after all, notoriously difficult to lose. Le sigh. But, with the right combination of diet and exercise, a flatter stomach is totally attainable. POP
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When Erin Eversoll was 21, she found herself working at a bakery, snacking on way too much unhealthy food, and clocking in at about 213 pounds. She knew she needed to lose weight, but her asthma made taking on a strenuous workout routine challenging
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We already knew Brie Larson was insanely strong: like doing push-ups with weighted chains, 400-pound hip thrusts, and insane ab exercises strong.
Then, we saw this video of her pushing a 5,000-pound Jeep for training, and we're never goin read more »
When RA21 was brought to my attention I was concerned because it was coming from a lot of publishers and vendors familiar with their world and the world of large academia but completely unfamiliar with the medical and hospital world. In my post Medl
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In a recently published paper in PharmacoEconomics, I–along with co-authors Devin Incerti, Jeff Curtis, Darius Lakdawalla, and Jeroen Jansen–describe a recently developed open-source platform for measuring the value of treatments for rhe
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There's something about warm pajamas that makes me want to scroll through Instagram. Even if it's late and I have work the next day, I'm never too tired to check up on my favorite personal trainers, poets, and, let's be real, the Kardashian-Je read more »
Image Source: Flickr user Your Best Digs
How can you enjoy Winter and alleviate some of the not-so-wonderful things that come along with it? The answer is simpler than you might think: diffusers and humidifiers.
There are so many thi read more »
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