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Dear Fit,
I just started running and am quickly becoming addicted. I'm not exactly thin (which is why I started running), and just about every time I head out for a run, I hear rude comments from people on the street. People scream out of cars, read more »
I just started running and am quickly becoming addicted. I'm not exactly thin (which is why I started running), and just about every time I head out for a run, I hear rude comments from people on the street. People scream out of cars, read more »
When news about Nalgene bottles causing cancer broke, I ditched my old plastic bottle and bought a metal one. They're a lot heavier, though, and not the most ideal to take on hikes and walks. I just bought new BPA-free plastic water bottles for my h
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De prospectiva pingendi, Book 3, figure lxiv
Piero della Francesca (c 1412-92)
This month's Lancet has an interesting article by G.D. Schott, linking Piero della Francesca's pioneering orthographic projections to technolo read more »
The evolution and ecology of spatially distributed populations is a confusing field to study, since nobody seems to be fully aware of the work which other people are doing. In a way, this mirrors the systems being studied: spreading a population a
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The evolution and ecology of spatially distributed populations is a confusing field to study, since nobody seems to be fully aware of the work which other people are doing. In a way, this mirrors the systems being studied: spreading a population a
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Longtime readers of this blog know that my original exposure to antivaccination conspiracy theories first occurred in the context of the now pseudoscientific and discredited hypothesis that somehow the mercury in the thimerosal preservative that use
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