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If you work in research, you may have heard that you need to worry about confounding. But what is confounding? And how can you address the problems it causes. What is confounding? An example Let us say that you are interested in the effect of an Ivy
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If you've ever worried that you aren't getting sufficient levels of certain vitamins and minerals in your diet or your doctor has diagnosed you with a deficiency, you may have considered taking a multivitamin. But while the value of multivita read more »
It's Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark's Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark's Daily Apple community please contact me here. I'll
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It's conventional fitness wisdom to avoid training the same muscle group two days in a row, which is why lots of people talk about doing "leg days," "arm days," "glute days," and so on. Yet, it seems like this practice doesn't quite extend to read more »
As a mother, wife, trainer, model, and TV host, Elyse Miller knows how difficult it can be to prioritize fitness in your already-filled schedule. That's why she created FitElyse, with workout plans that can be done anywhere at anytime, to hel read more »
Don't let a time crunch get in your way of strong abs! Regardless of what you've got going on - vacation, exams, business trips, too tired to go to the gym - you can still get a great core workout in. The best part about this ab workout is that you'
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The elites have crossed the finish line at the 123rd Boston Marathon, and the results are in: first place for Worknesh Degefa of Ethiopia, second place for Edna Kiplagat of Kenya, and third for Jordan Hasay of the US.
Degefa took the lea read more »
Pelatih Liverpool, Jurgen Klopp mengungkapkan bahwa cedera kapten tim, Jordan Henderson dalam laga kontra Chelsea, Minggu (14/4) dipastikan hanya cedera ringan. Liverpool berhasil mengalahkan Chelsea dengan skor 2-0. Di babak pertama kedua tim hanya
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