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On the first episode of Shrill, the new Hulu show starring and cowritten by SNL's Aidy Bryant and author Lindy West (who wrote the memoir on which the series is based), Aidy's character Annie discovers she's pregnant despite taking the morning read more »
Though I started my fitness journey with a fairly balanced combination of yoga and running, once I caught the "bug," so to speak, I was fully addicted to the thrill and endorphins of cardio. It started with SoulCycle - my first love - and spir read more »
■ We've written before about the so-called 'Secondary Market' for life insurance:"And so, as part of HIPAA, a new word entered the popular lexicon: viatical. Basically, one can sell one's plan to a 3rd party with little (or no) tax consequence."But
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My college roomie and Best Man is married to a wonderful, vibrant, caring woman who has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. She is fading fast.Deb and Rich recently moved from Connecticut to Florida to see if the change of environment would
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Have you tried hemp oil? After almost a century of being outlawed, hemp—a form of cannabis with extremely low levels of psychoactive THC—is now legal in the United States. This is big news for people interested in the therapeutic effects of cannabid
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When it comes to salty snacks, few things are better than crunchy chips. If you've decided to cut grains from your diet, we've found something you're going to lose your mind over: grain-free chips! Yes, that's right. From tortilla chips to cheese pu
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When you come home from work, you probably want to spend less time cooking and more time eating. But before you inhale an entire bag of corn chips with guac and call it dinner (not that there's anything wrong with that, but you deserve an actual hom
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Paulo Dybala diberitakan akan pergi meninggalkan Juventus. Bianconeri pun sudah memberikan label harga sebesar 1,2 Trilliun bagi klub yang tertarik mendatangkannya. Dybala dikabarkan akan meninggalkan Juventus pada bursa transfer musim panas mendata
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