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I've always been a HIIT and boot camp kind of girl. The harder the workout, the more powerful I feel. My body craves it, grueling sets of burpees and all. But while I'm pretty toned, there were a few areas of my body that I wanted to hone in o read more »
Xpostfactoid hosts the Map of Malfunction issue of the Health Wonk Review. He describes it –accurately– as “a smorgasbord of smart takes on the morphing ACA marketplace; various dysfunctions (and one or two functions) of U.S. healt
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I ordered an ESR, Rheumatoid Factor, CBC, and complete metabolic panel. His exam and history strongly suggested PMR but also RA. I ordered hand films also. At that time we did not have Anti-CCP and were not using CRP. I empirically started him on
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If you believe in saying yes to pumpkin anything and everything, but are also watching your carb count, we found the ultimate grain-free seasonal treat for you. The healthy food guru Amanda Meixner, known as meowmeix to her Instagram followe read more »
Who is offering you advice on Medicare options? Your friends, relatives or neighbors? How about the person who styles your hair?Maybe you feel better talking with or a volunteer at a not-for-profit organization. Surely they are impartia
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After a tough workout, there may be nothing more satisfying than a protein-packed shake - but if you're on the keto diet, you've likely noticed that many of these drinks are also loaded with sugar. So, what's a low-carb gal to do? Make this re read more »
We've all been there: a stressful day at work, a fight with a partner, or feeling particularly overwhelmed with your kids sends you straight to the cookie jar or reaching for that bag of potato chips. Whether it's to cope with stress, deal with sadn
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Snacking on a handful of raw almonds compared to Halo Top seems like a healthier choice - it's a whole food offering protein, fiber, and healthy fats and is just one ingredient! But if weight loss is your goal, these comparison photos posted b read more »
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