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Let's not beat around the bush: sometimes vaginas smell. Before we go any further, let's remember that there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes body parts are a little stinky. You think your armpits always smell like a rose garden? No way. The sme
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So it seems that Britain's Much Vaunted National Health Service© has some competition in the race to the bottom. From our friend The Political Hat:"Canadian Hospital Pushes Euthanasia on Disabled Patient"As we've oft-noted, killing off pesky, expens
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So the rocket surgeons at EBA (which, ironically, touts "benefits" in its very title) continue to double-down on the stupid:"Here’s one option advisors can help them explore: health savings accounts. These accounts, which are offered in combination
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I hear people say all the time they don't work out because they can't make it to the gym or they don't have the right equipment. Or (the big one)...they don't have time. As someone who's always on-the-go, I know I have to make my workouts fit my lif
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If you're in need of a boost in energy, it can be tempting to reach for another cup of cold brew or fizzy soda (we've all been there). While caffeine and added sugar will certainly perk you up, they can quickly lead to a surefire crash later. That d
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At age 85, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (aka Notorious RBG) is in amazing shape. She works out twice a week with her trainer, Bryant Johnson, ACE, MFT, author of The RBG Workout, with whom she's been training for more than 19 years. Jus
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I'm still riding the high of holding another Primal Health Coach Institute Masterclass event—this one in Miami Beach, July 27-29. A couple dozen Primal Health Coach Institute students, graduates, staff and I gathered to take a deep dive into ancestr
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While doing 100 crunches won't diminish belly fat, once you dial in your diet and lower your body fat percentage, you'll want to reveal your strong, chiseled abs! These crunch variations are basic yet effective, and if you want defined abs, these ab
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