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Both yoga and CrossFit have been essential in strengthening my core, but when I'm not firing up my abs doing thrusters, working on pull-ups, or doing countless reps of knees to bar, these are the core-blasting yoga poses I do every week. Some are ba
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Cereal gets a bad rap as far as healthy breakfasts go, and there's definitely some truth to it. Cereals can be a big source of empty carbs, sugars, and calories without adding much nutrition to the mix, which doesn't exactly help you start the day o
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I do squats in the bathroom while the shower gets hot (don't you?) and sometimes, very carefully, in the shower. Some nights, you can find me, headphones in, pajamas on, lifting weights bedside when I'm too tired to change into leggings and he read more »
So, FoIB Steve Downey alerted us to this item at CNN:"A woman received nearly $375,000 from her insurance company over several months for treatment she received at a California rehabilitation facility. A man received more than $130,000 after he sent
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The relationship between stress and carbohydrates is confusing, with seemingly contradictory arguments bouncing around the online health sphere. There are those who say high-carb diets cause stress, and that eating more fat and fewer carbs is the so
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There are so many ways to work your abs - standing, on the floor, with or without weights - that there are dozens of possibilities you probably haven't tried. And it's not just for aesthetics; having a strong core supports your back and virtually ev
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Losing 10 pounds is a solid feat: whether you have 15 or 50 pounds to lose, getting started on your weight-loss journey and shedding that first 10 can be the hardest. And while many people would like to lose those 10 pounds as quickly as possi read more »
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