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A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Aug 13, 2018 at 10:58am PDT
When most people travel for work, they tend to throw their suitcase on the luggage rack, turn on the TV, and browse the mini fridge. Maybe they' read more »
In a promising development, a new kind of weapon in the fight against cancer is about to be deployed:"His oncologists delight in observing that if you saw Rulli on the street, you’d never guess he was sick. At 66, he still is 6-foot-1, still 215 pou
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One of the most effective exercises you can do for your butt are deadlifts, and one of the best moves to work your upper body is the upright row. Combine the two moves together for this total-body move that also works your abs, back, and hamstrings.
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Touted as nature's candy, fruit is something we grew up knowing was good for us. While it's loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, it does contain sugar, making it a food some believe should be avoided when on diets like keto, on which you're al
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After gaining 70 pounds during her pregnancy, Brianna Bernard's goal was to lose the baby weight, but she ended up losing way more! Find out how this 32-year-old mom lost 107 pounds in just one year, which inspired her to become a personal trainer a
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Although Jillian Michaels earned her reputation as the tough-love trainer on The Biggest Loser, the superfit trainer, who has her own fitness app called My Fitness by Jillian Michaels, understands that some people may not be experts like she i read more »
"Make sure to drink a lot of water" - we've heard it from our parents, coaches, doctors, and friends, but is it possible to drink too much water? In 2007, a woman in California died of hyponatremia or water intoxication, after taking part in a read more »
When it comes to sports, Serena Williams is hands down the GOAT. We're not just talking about women's tennis or tennis as a whole. We're talking about all sports and all athletes from the past and present. Over the years, Serena has shown that she h
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