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Not Just Anecdotal Evidence Anymore
You’ve known for years that cranberries can help stave off urinary tract infections (UTIs), but now scientists have figured out the mechanism behind the benefit!
In a study published in this month’s Coll read more »
You’ve known for years that cranberries can help stave off urinary tract infections (UTIs), but now scientists have figured out the mechanism behind the benefit!
In a study published in this month’s Coll read more »
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today released a list of 20 drugs that are on its adverse effect “watch list” — drugs that have potential new serious risks or had new safety information from January to March 2008. The d
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today released a list of 20 drugs that are on its adverse effect “watch list” — drugs that have potential new serious risks or had new safety information from January to March 2008. The d
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As part of a long-running investigation into whether nonprofits are doing enough to keep their tax-exempt status, the Iowa senator is questioning the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Chicago Medical Center.
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It turns out that whoever said money can’t buy you happiness was wrong.
Money can buy you happiness, as long as you give some of the money away.
Dunn and colleagues (2008) conducted three studies that examined the relationship bet read more »
Money can buy you happiness, as long as you give some of the money away.
Dunn and colleagues (2008) conducted three studies that examined the relationship bet read more »
University of Kansas professor David Perlmutter told a group of academic publishers one reason blogs are popular is that they "are now putting up there for everyone to see what used to be behind the curtain."
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Brooke Shields, despite being a big star, still has her fair share of fitness issues. She knows the importance of staying healthy but understands that life can throw you curve balls. In the October issue of Shape, she opens up about how she overcome
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