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Fudge...the creamy, rich squares of pure decadence we might associate with the holidays (or with trips to grandmother's house). A little sure went a long way, but still.... With versions that typically call for everything from three cups of sugar to
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Winter is the unofficial soup season, I think we can all agree to that. It's bitterly cold, gets dark out by 5 p.m., and typically nothing sounds better than curling up on the couch with a bowl of something warm and comforting, like soup.
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It's easy to feel like you have to ditch dessert completely when you're following a low-carb diet, especially if it's a stricter plan like keto, which encourages dieters to avoid sugar. But there are tons of recipes that swap in low-carb, Paleo, or
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To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the iconic "Just Do It" campaign, Nike asked us to dream crazy in an ad narrated by athlete/activist Colin Kaepernick. To celebrate the sisterhood of female athletes pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, a read more »
Three words: low. impact. training. After years of practicing physical therapy and training clients, husband-and-wife-duo Justin and Taylor Norris developed the Lit Method. Now available on Glow by POPSUGAR, the Lit Method combines rowing wit read more »
Let's go on a run . . . or at least talk about it. It's good for improving cardiovascular health, toning your lower body, burning calories, and giving yourself some headspace. Some people pick it up later in life, while others have called the read more »
If you've recently committed to overhauling your eating habits - and maybe shedding a few pounds in the process - figuring out exactly which approach to take can be daunting. But it doesn't have to be that complicated. Here, dietitians share t read more »
I'm a serial out-of-the-bag snacker, and I can tell you exactly why. I like feeling unrestricted by anything but the bottom of the bag. I like shaking the crumbs into my mouth at the end. I like that I don't have to wash extra dishes.
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