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Courtesy of our Neighbors to the North©:Father with ALS Euthanized after Denied Sufficient Care— Þe Political Hat (@ThePoliticalHat) August 14, 2019 But hey: Free!Original content copyright © InsureBlog
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If you're wondering why you get headaches when you exercise, you're not alone. According to Elizabeth Barchi, MD, expert in sports medicine from NYU Langone Health, while exercise can prevent headaches and migraines, it can cause them as well. read more »
Enjoying a pint of ice cream without the added guilt is about to get a whole lot easier because Enlightened Ice Cream is getting the keto treatment. The low-calorie ice cream brand just announced its plans to release an all-new line of keto ice crea
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History was made today in the UEFA Super Cup, but it didn't come from the two soccer clubs facing off; it was referee Stéphanie Frappart who entered the history books of sport. She became the first female lead official in a major men's soccer match,
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When Summer starts to fade, and we cast our eyes on Fall and the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk.Our friends (and teammates) at InsuranceWorks are kicking off their efforts early:"Insurance Works for You! Is giving you an opportunity to DONATE t
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Olive oil is the great uniter of the dietary tribes. While your Ray Peatians might grumble at the 10% PUFA content and hardcore carnivores will balk at its vegetal origins, the vast majority of dietary camps—vegans, vegetarians, paleo, Primal, keto,
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Recently, I've been feeling a little wary on my runs. Put it down to my recent true crime binge (don't talk to me about Ted Bundy right now), the fact that my morning runs are getting darker and darker as Summer wanes, or the all-too-frequent attack
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Whether you are single or have a family to feed, it seems like every weeknight is a blur and trying to get dinner on the table isn't always the easiest feat. On top of that, eating healthy isn't always easy and oftentimes requires a decent amount of
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