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Besides helping with your day-to-day strength and mobility, carving strong obliques - the muscles along either side of your core - helps your midsection get tighter and more toned. Plus, working the sides of your core feels amazing. When I don't hav
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I'm continuing my crusade of keto mythbusting. Recently, there was keto crotch, then keto bloat, and today I’m returning to one of the O.G. myths—keto body odor. Yes, it seems detractors of the keto diet are hell-bent on making you think your body w
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You've probably done an elbow plank so many times by now that you know the drill by heart: straight back, belly button pulled in, and palms flat on your mat (trying not to clasp them in prayer pose if possible). But Cassandra Bodlak, health coach at
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When I started intermittent fasting, it was during a period when I didn't feel I had much control over anything. I was a year out of college and still working at my "for now" job: something I wasn't passionate about but that was related enough read more »
There's nothing I want to do less after a sweaty workout than rub my wet sports bra over my face, but that's pretty much what's going on when I struggle out of my pullover sports bras. I love their tight fit, but I could really do without the whole
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When we think comfort food, we think of pasta. But, if you're trying to omit grains from your diet, all those yummy pasta dishes were off the table - until now. We found eight grain-free pastas that are all available on Amazon. They're vegetable ba
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Think you can't get in a hard full-body workout in 10 minutes? This workout will prove you wrong! Designed by Jade Jenny, head CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit, this workout involves cardio plus strength training, so it'll burn
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There might be a small part of you that wonders whether it's safe to wear contacts in the pool - a part that's inevitably cast aside when you simply do it anyway. After all, what's the point of booking a gorgeous spot for vacation or Spring br read more »
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